January 2021 Product Updates


1.Account Health Improvements

Need a head start planning for 2021? Do not worry we have a checklist to mitigate any common account set up issues to ensure better management of your SA360 campaigns. For information and to download the checklist your file here.

2. Cross-Environment Bid Strategy Activation

Earlier this year, Search Ads 360 announced bid strategies will soon be required to include modelled  cross-environment conversions. This change gives you the most complete view of performance, and allows you to optimize most effectively towards the full value across all devices. Beginning January 25, 2021 Search Ads 360 engineering will begin updating portfolio bid strategies in Search Ads 360 to target cross-environment conversions.

This change only affects bidding conversion sources. You can still report on conversions without the cross-environment conversions included.

The following Actions need to be considered and implemented:

Intraday Bidding

Portfolios: for your intraday bid strategy portfolio, advertisers are encouraged to manually migrate their intraday bid strategies to include cross-environment conversions before January 25, 2021. If no action is taken, the SA360 Engineering team will automigrate advertisers after this date. This includes advertisers using offline conversions.
Whilst manually migrating intraday bis strategies, consider best practice for migration outlined in this article.

Tip: Use the past ~30 days (accounting for conversion delay) to set an appropriate bid strategy target accounting for cross-environment conversions. The bid strategy may have a brief learning period as per normal conversion goal changes.

Auction Time Bidding

Portfolios: it is HIGHLY recommended that the Search Ads 360 Engineering team executes the migration on behalf of advertisers to minimize impact to performance due to the learning period associated with changing the conversion goal. Once migrated, advertisers are encouraged to monitor performance and adjust targets to meet your business needs.

 For more information on Floodlight Cross Environment conversions, click here.

For any further queries with regards to the above, please get in touch.


YouTube Audio Ads on Display & Video 360 

YouTube Audio Ads is a new format option in Display & Video 360 that enables advertisers to extend their reach into new audio inventory. Over half of all on-demand music streaming is through YouTube, the most popular destination for streaming music. These audio ads will run on YouTube during users' long listening sessions and background moments. The goal is to deliver reach and lift in brand awareness; and over 75% of measured alpha campaigns drove lift in brand awareness. Music lineups and audio ads make it possible to be there, at scale, whether YouTube is being watched front and centre or playing as the backdrop to daily life.

 Combined Audiences for YouTube ad groups

 Combined audiences, which allow you to create custom combinations of audiences and audience attributes, is now available for YouTube & partners line items. You’re able to select a combined audience in ad-group level audience targeting. When you're building a combined audience, the Audience Summary data will reflect eligibility for display, video, and YouTube.

 See the Help Centre for more details including audience type compatibility.

 Campaign Manager 360

Safari have continued pushing their Intelligent Tracking Prevention updates. An update occurred on the 16th September whereby their new feature blocks cross-site tracking within Safari, this by default will be activated in settings for users browsing across Safari. As a method of combating these changes, Google introduced conversion modelling, which helps plug the gap that Safari and other browsers now create in your tracking using machine learning. For this to work at its optimal, a couple of features need to be in place to ensure conversion data is as complete as it can possibly be. I’ll be outlining these 2 features below for you to check on and action should it be required.

1. All Site Tag, when setting up your floodlight tags for your site, we recommend creating a universal tag that fires on each page of your website, this acts like a container and allows your tags to follow a user’s path throughout a site. To create this, build a new “Counter” floodlight tag, with “Standard” counting, apply this on site and instruct it to fire on each page land.

2. Enhanced Attribution, within Campaign Manager, under your “Floodlight Configuration” there is an area for “Enhanced Attribution”, the box in this area just needs to be ticked for it to be enabled. This will apply an additional code to your Campaign Manager URL’s, a DCLID which can also be used to help retain conversion data.